energy efficiency retrofit
consulting for multifamily and
commercial buildings


Multifamily Cooperative with Commercial


IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Park Avenue multifamily cooperative, led the team to complete the LL87 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and LL84 Benchmarking in 2012 – 2013.

  • Market Type: Multifamily Cooperative with Professional Offices
  • # of Buildings: 1
  • Year Built: 1921
  • Fuel: Dual Fuel (No. 6 oil burners on two boilers (1995 and 2008) were converted to #2 oil)
  • Building Area: 98,000 sq ft
  • Total Units: 25 residential, 3 commercial

LL87/09 Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) Recommendations:

  1. Replace the indirect heat distribution monitoring control system with a computerized direct monitoring control system, with temperature sensors in representative units, to reduce unnecessary boiler operation and overheating.
  2. Replace basement hallway T12 fixtures with magnetic ballasts with T8 fixtures with electronic ballasts
  3. Install Occupancy Sensor in Lunch Room
  4. Replace high wattage incandescent and CFL lamps in common areas 
  5. Install 4 kW photovoltaic system to power the lobby, common areas and penthouse gym
  6. Replace all 2-pipe steam radiator steam traps, since at least 80% have failed
  7. Insulate uninsulated cold water, hot water and steam pipes
  8. Educate tenants to replace appliances and A/C units with Energy Star equipment
  9. Convert to natural gas when the Con Edison grid allows for it

Note: The recommended EEMs, excluding No. 6-9,  would save $7,300 per year with a 4.8 year Simple Payback.

Two boilers using No. 6 oil are being converted to No. 2 oil, because Con Edison gas was not available at the time.

We recommended upgrading this indirect heat monitoring system, which operates based on the outdoor temperature and temperature of the condensate return only. Replace it with a direct computerized heat monitoring system with temperature sensors in representative units, so the boiler can operate based on the average indoor temperature. This new system will help to prevent overheating in the building, save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

When tested, 80% of the steam traps failed. Replace the steam traps on 100% of these 2-pipe steam radiators.