IntelliGreen Partners (“IGP”) provided Owner’s Representative services to assist the Owner of this multifamily/retail/commercial rental property in New York City’s historic Greenwich Village to select the team to comply with LL87/09 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning. We recommended energy efficiency measures to improve the building’s Energy Star Score in preparation for LL33/2018 Benchmarking Energy and Water Use and Disclosure of Energy Efficiency Scores and Grades, which will require all owners of buildings greater than 25,000 square feet to prominently post their Energy Star Score and Energy Efficiency Grade by July 2020. (2018)
Property Information:
- Building Area: 83,980 square feet
- Residential Units: 158
- Retail Units: 6
- Commercial Office: 7
- Total Units: 171
- Built: 1929
- Heating Fuel: No. 4 oil
- Projects: LL87/09
LL87/09 Recommended Energy Efficiency Measures:
- Install Vaporstat instead of pressuretrol
- Upgrade Building Interior Lights and Fixtures to LEDs with sensors
- Upgrade Building Exterior Lights and Fixtures to LEDs with sensors
- Install Thermostatic Steam Valves on each apt.’s radiators
- Insulate uninsulated cold water, hot water and steam Pipes
- Install Energy Management System
- Energy Star Refrigerators (Tenants only)
- Energy Star Window Air Conditioning Units
- Install window film to reduce heat loss
- Install low flow faucet aerators
- Install window A/C covers to prevent heat loss in winter
- Replace single pane windows with double pane windows

This 1929 building has the original single pane windows on the top floors.
Energy Management System Equipment includes:
- Boiler Energy Management System (EMS)
- Control panel with LCD display
- Smart meter on electric master meter
- Smart meter on gas master meter for heating
- Wireless temperature sensors in 20% of the units
- Stack temperature sensor
- Aquastat sensor
- Flood sensor
- Outdoor temperature sensor
- 3 Water temperature sensors (Domestic Hot Water, Hot Water coil, Condensate return)
- Makeup Water Meter
- Gas/Oil indicator (tells you if boiler is running on gas or oil)
- Flame failure relay (tells you if boiler went into flame failure)
- On/Off relay (tells you if boiler is on or off)
- Burner start/stop command
- One receiver
- Three repeaters
- All sensors in Boiler Room to be hard wired

The building’s two 1987 boilers use only No. 4 oil which produces a lot of carbon emissions. The boilers are over 33 years old.

Owner installed these window air conditioners (A/C) in tenant apartments. None of the A/C units are Energy Star certified.

The building is using the very old Heat Timer Controls. This system needs to be upgraded.

Two-pipe steam radiators with traps completely painted over is a good indicator that the traps have not been changed in years.