IGP provided Owner’s Representative services to assist the Owner of this multifamily rental building with commercial gym on ground floor to select the team to comply with LL87/09 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning. We recommended energy efficiency measures to reduce the building’s carbon emissions.
Property Information:
- Market Type: Multifamily Rental with Commercial Retail in Lower Manhattan
- Built: 1929
- Building Area: 58,000 sf
- No. of floors: 13
- Total Units: 61 units, 60 residential, 1 commercial on ground floor
LL87 Energy Efficiency Measures Recommendations:
- Install LED lighting in common areas
- Replace standard efficiency motors with premium high efficiency motors (water pumps)
- Install low flow aerators in kitchen sinks, showerheads and bathroom sinks
- Install occupancy sensors in common areas
- Insulate uninsulated steam pipes and domestic hot water pipes (DHW)
Note: The Simple Payback Period for the proposed EEMs is less than two (2) years, with a combined savings of $12,095 per year.

Upgrade stairway lighting from fluorescent fixtures on 24/7 to bi-level LED fixtures with occupancy and light sensors.

Replace standard efficiency motors with Premium High Efficiency Motors.

Insulate all uninsulated domestic hot water, cold water and hydronic heating distribution pipes.