IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Upper West Side multifamily cooperative, led the team to complete the LL87 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and LL84 Benchmarking.
Property Information:
- Market Type: Multifamily Cooperative
- # of Buildings: 1
- Floors: 6
- Year Built: 1941
- Building Area: 63,138 sq ft. Conditioned space is 57,500 sq. ft.
- Total Units: 62 residential
- Direct metered for electricity
- Fuel: No. 6 oil
LL87 Energy Efficiency Measures Recommendations:
- Lower Steam Pressure and replace the Pressuretrol (psi) with a Vaporstat, which measures pressure in ounces
- Upgrade the Laundry T12 lighting to LEDs with occupancy sensors
- Upgrade basement T8 Lights to LED with sensors
- Upgrade Lobby Candelabra to LED
- Upgrade Exterior Candelabra to LED
- Correct Exterior Light Photocell Malfunction
- Install Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRV) on radiators in the overheated apartments
- Insulate the domestic hot water pipes
- Switch from No. 6 oil to dual fuel (No. 2 oil and gas) when Con Edison permits
- Install a new computerized Boiler Energy Management System
- Install a separate high efficiency gas Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Heater rather than operate the main boiler to heat water in the non-heating season. Using a separate DHW heater will save money on operations, allow the old boiler to rest during the summer and last longer.
- Encourage tenants to install Energy Star Refrigerators
- Elevator Modernization
- Caulk and weatherstip exterior doors and windows
- Replace single pane stairway and basement windows with double pane windows
- Add window films where appropriate to reduce heat
- Insulate exterior walls where the thermal imaging camera indicated a large amount of heat loss in uninsulated sections
- Insulate the roof the next time the roof is replaced to reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer
- Install Low Flow Showerheads
- Install Low Flow Faucet Aerators
Note: A total of $110, 648 independent energy efficiency measures were identified. The simple payback for all measures, excluding window treatments, roof and elevators is 3.8 years.

Upgrade fluorescent lighting in Mail Room to new bi-level LED fixtures with occupancy sensors. Currently these fluorescent lights are on 24/7 which uses much more energy unnecessarily.

These lobby ceiling and wall sconces can be upgraded from incandescent bulbs to low kelvin soft white LED candelabra luminaires and be very attractive.

Replace the corridor fixtures with CFL bulbs with soft white LED luminaires. If the tenants agree, add bi-level occupancy sensors. In those corridors that benefit from light coming in from the stairwell windows, add light sensors so the fixtures may not have to be on all the time. Now these fixtures are on at 100% strength 24/7.

Replace theT8 fluorescent light fixtures in basement with new bi-level LED fixtures with sensors.

When upgrading tenant windows from single pane to double pane windows, it is “best practice” to replace the common area windows as well. Just because no one sees them in the stairways, elevator shafts or basement, doesn’t mean they don’t waste energy. To reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, it is best to replace these windows with double pane as well.

With window air conditioner units it is very important to weather seal around the A/C unit to prevent heat gain during the summer and heat loss during the winter. Ideally you would remove these window units in the winter months.

It is best to keep these one-pipe radiators clean, even if behind covers. And replace the steam vent if you hear it hissing. A properly functioning steam valve lets air out of the system and keeps the heating distribution system working properly.

Heat Timer PMC Platinum Control system for boiler. It is programmed to operate the boiler based only on the outdoor air temperature. A digital computerized Boiler Energy Management System, with temperature sensors in representative units is designed to operate the boiler based on the average indoor temperature. This is a more economical way to run the boiler, avoid overheating the building, improve tenant comfort and save money.

The boiler operates with No. 6 oil. Under New York City law this building has to convert to at least No. 4 oil which will be legal until 2030. If Con Edison provides a new gas Area Growth Zone, it is best to convert this boiler to natural gas which will reduce carbon emissions and save money.

If your building has a large roof space and is not surrounded by taller buildings, it is worth the effort to see if Solar PV is feasible and cost effective, since there are still tax benefits available.