IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Upper East Side multifamily cooperative, led the team to complete the LL87/09 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and LL84 Benchmarking.
Property Information:
- Market Type: Multifamily Cooperative with commercial offices in Manhattan
- Built: 1971,
- GSF: 211,000 sf,
- Total:162 units: 160 residential units and 2 commercial units
- Fuel Type: Con Edison District Steam
LL87/09 Energy Efficiency Measures Recommendations:
- Install thermostatic radiator valves in overheated units
- Convert steam traps to orifice plates
- Install Domestic Hot Water (DHW) recirculation controls
- Insulate steam distribution piping, valves and fittings
- Weather stripping doors and windows
- Upgrade Building Management System (BMS)
- Install High Efficiency Windows
- Ad window films as appropriate as appropriate
- Install lighting controls in common areas
- Upgrade elevator motors
- Install low flow shower heads
- Install low flow faucet aerators
Note: A Total of $1,112,890 independent energy efficiency measures were identified. The Simple Payback for all measures, excluding the elevators, is 6.4 years.

There were fluorescent light fixtures throughout the common areas in this building. The Owner should upgrade them to LEDs and where feasible to bi-level LED fixtures with occupancy sensors and light sensors.

The corridors are lit with fluorescent circle bulbs which could be upgraded to LEDs to save energy.

During the LL87 examination we measured the temperature of the domestic hot water in the sinks. Under NYC Code the temperature of DHW cannot exceed 140 F degrees. This building was in compliance.