IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Upper East Side multifamily cooperative, led the team to complete the LL87/09 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and LL84 Benchmarking.
Property Information:
- Market Type: Multifamily Cooperative with commercial offices in Manhattan
- Built: 1971,
- GSF: 211,000 sf,
- Total:162 units: 160 residential units and 2 commercial units
- Fuel Type: Con Edison District Steam
LL87/09 Energy Efficiency Measures Recommendations:
- Install thermostatic radiator valves in overheated units
- Convert steam traps to orifice plates
- Install Domestic Hot Water (DHW) recirculation controls
- Insulate steam distribution piping, valves and fittings
- Weather stripping doors and windows
- Upgrade Building Management System (BMS)
- Install High Efficiency Windows
- Ad window films as appropriate as appropriate
- Install lighting controls in common areas
- Upgrade elevator motors
- Install low flow shower heads
- Install low flow faucet aerators
Note: A Total of $1,112,890 independent energy efficiency measures were identified. The Simple Payback for all measures, excluding the elevators, is 6.4 years.