IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Park Avenue multifamily cooperative, led the team to complete the LL87 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and LL84 Benchmarking in 2012 – 2013.
- Market Type: Multifamily Cooperative with Professional Offices
- # of Buildings: 1
- Year Built: 1921
- Fuel: Dual Fuel (No. 6 oil burners on two boilers (1995 and 2008) were converted to #2 oil)
- Building Area: 98,000 sq ft
- Total Units: 25 residential, 3 commercial
LL87/09 Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) Recommendations:
- Replace the indirect heat distribution monitoring control system with a computerized direct monitoring control system, with temperature sensors in representative units, to reduce unnecessary boiler operation and overheating.
- Replace basement hallway T12 fixtures with magnetic ballasts with T8 fixtures with electronic ballasts
- Install Occupancy Sensor in Lunch Room
- Replace high wattage incandescent and CFL lamps in common areas
- Install 4 kW photovoltaic system to power the lobby, common areas and penthouse gym
- Replace all 2-pipe steam radiator steam traps, since at least 80% have failed
- Insulate uninsulated cold water, hot water and steam pipes
- Educate tenants to replace appliances and A/C units with Energy Star equipment
- Convert to natural gas when the Con Edison grid allows for it
Note: The recommended EEMs, excluding No. 6-9, would save $7,300 per year with a 4.8 year Simple Payback.