Intelligreen Partners (IGP) is an Owner’s Representative and Project Management Consultancy. We pinpoint carbon reduction strategies to avoid Local Law 97/19’s Carbon Emissions Limits penalties, reduce operating costs, improve tenant comfort, and increase your building’s value.
Our clients hire us to develop & manage their energy efficiency projects to improve their Energy Efficiency Grade, avoid costly contractor delays, and assist with financing, tax credits, & utility incentives.
Start with our Site Visit and Detailed Action Plan today. Call us at 212-737-5720
See Intelligreen Partners’ Success Stories
Successful Projects Reduce LL97 Carbon Emissions
IGP helps you to improve your Building Energy Efficiency Grade
IGP assists you to reduce annual financial penalties under Local Law 97/19 Building Energy & Carbon Emissions Limits.
See how IGP created an Action Plan to assist the Board of this 1940 luxury coop to correctly revise its LL33 Energy Efficiency Grade from a D to a B and avoid the annual LL97 penalties in 2024.

From a D to a B.
Building Area: 229,000 square feet Total Units: 103 residential; 4 professional
IGP will do a Site Visit and provide an Energy Efficiency Action Plan to get you started now.

The Energy Label (LL33/18 and LL95/2019) will include both a letter grade and the energy efficiency score for the building. Based on the Energy Star® program, energy efficiency scores will be assigned as follows:
A – Score is equal to or greater than 85
B – Score is greater than 70 but less than 85
C – Score is equal to or greater than 55 but less than 70
D – Score is less than 55
F – Building did not submit required benchmarking information
N – Building exempted from benchmarking or not covered by the Energy Star® program
IGP played an integral role by introducing the building owner to the team who completed this ground-breaking electric Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Case Study project.
IGP, acting as Efficiency Advisor in the NYC Retrofit Accelerator, assisted this moderate income multifamily cooperative to consider the electric Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) for heating and cooling.

This apartment replaced its steam radiator with a floor model ASHP. Note the capped steam supply line.

Two ASHP outdoor units. Each apartment had one ASHP outdoor unit, some of which, like these, are installed with brackets on the roof’s parapet wall.

LL33 Building Energy Efficiency Grade affects sales price of buildings greater than 25,000 sq. ft.

We collaborate with the Owner, property manager, building staff and legal counsel to:
- integrate estimated LL97 annual penalty into Long Term Capital Plan
- prepare a Detailed Action Plan to reduce carbon emissions
- prioritize energy efficiency projects
- prepare all contractor Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- select qualified contractors
- access utility company incentives
- access NYC, NYS & Federal tax benefits
- negotiate financing, including PACE loans, leases, structured financings, etc.
LL97 “Essential Spending” comes with Additional benefits

- Upgrading the property’s look and feel
- Increasing thermal comfort
- Improving indoor air quality (IAQ)
- Reducing exposure to pests/allergens/viruses
- Enhancing security
- Improving affordability
- Reducing complaints
- Showcasing professional management
- Enabling positive social media (both organic & planned)
- Including LL97 penalties in “Return on Investment” achieves faster payback

IGP provides green building consulting, finance and project management services. We manage all aspects of your building’s compliance with New York City’s Green Building Laws, and the Climate Mobilization Act, including bench marking, energy audit and retro-commissioning, fuel conversions, energy efficiency retrofits and financing. Our expertise saves you time and money, so you benefit immediately.
IGP Client Testimonials
“IGP was not only thorough but very easy to work with. This LL87 Energy Audit and LL84 benchmarking procedure were very confusing to me when I first looked at them and I couldn’t figure out how I was ever going to comply with the requirements for two buildings. However, IGP took the time to explain everything to me and answered all my questions. This made it so much easier, as I was able to leave the bulk of the work in her capable hands.
In addition, after the benchmarking was completed, she met with the building owners and myself to explain how we can prepare for LL87 Energy Audit and the other new green building laws.
I soon recommended IGP to another client, with two large multifamily rental buildings in Staten Island, who needed the LL87 and LL84 Benchmarking work done quickly to meet the Department of Building’s deadline.”
Mixed-use and Multifamily Rental Buildings in Chelsea, Washington Heights and Staten Island.
The Building Owner’s Property Manager
“The Board of this historic landmark commercial office building achieved an Energy Star benchmarking rating of 64. Since the Board continues to invest in energy efficiency improvements to the building, including new windows, it decided to seek the coveted “Energy Star Certification”, which requires increasing its energy performance rating to 75 or higher. The Board recently hired IGP to assist it with the “early compliance” terms and conditions of Local Law 87/09 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning and to oversee the EPA Energy Star Label application process. During the audit process IGP brought in an historical steam heating expert who determined the building had a unique two-pipe/air vent steam heating system. The owner now knows exactly how to make this hybrid system operate with maximum efficiency.”
Commercial Office Building in Chelsea
The Senior Property Manager
“The fuel conversion project has proven to be complex and time-consuming. IGP had to advocate on our behalf to obtain a positive ruling from Con Edison for additional low pressure gas service. IGP also enabled us to receive approval for NYSERDA’s Multifamily Carbon Emission Reduction Program grant to help pay for the design and construction of this project.”
Residential Cooperative Building on the Upper East Side
The Cooperative Board Treasurer