LL43/10 Phases Out No. 4 Oil
Did you know No. 4 oil will be phased out by 2030?
Local Law 43/10 Emissions from No. 4 and No. 6 Heating Oil is the New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s rule which already phased out using No. 6 heating oil by July 2015. By 2030 (or when replacing boiler/burner – whichever happens sooner), buildings must convert to a fuel cleaner than No. 4 Oil, such as electricity or natural gas. NYC wants to phase out the use of fossil fuels, so Owners should think long term about installing electric air source heat pumps (ASHP) or electric water source heat pumps (WSHP).
This law affects about 10,000 buildings in New York. According to the Heating Oil Study (PDF) research conducted by the Environmental Defense Fund, 1% of the city’s buildings cause 87% of the city’s heating oil soot pollution. This unhealthy pollution must stop.
If you are still using either No. 4 heating oil, IGP can assist you with an “oil to electric” or “oil to natural gas” or “oil to dual fuel (No. 2 oil and natural gas)” conversion feasibility and cost analysis. IGP can assist you to switch from fossil fuel boiler heating systems to electric ASHPs or WSHPs, which will be the cleanest long term solution for both heating and cooling. Some buildings may be able to switch to geothermal heating and cooling systems.
Our core competency is to act as your Owner’s Representative and Project Manager and manage these complex and time-consuming Fuel Conversion Projects. We assist you in finding the best contractors for the job, through a transparent, competitive bid process. Then we manage the project and collaborate with you, your property manager, Con Edison and all the contractors involved, so you can meet the important deadlines set by the utility company. We also assist you in finding financing and incentives to pay for the construction and equipment. We have managed many fuel conversion projects since 2010 and our references are available upon request.
In 2019-2020 IGP played an integral role in assisting one Upper West Site multifamily cooperative to switch from No. 2 oil to electric air source heat pumps (ASHP). See the Case Study – ASHP Installation in Affordable Cooperative.