IGP, acting as Owner’s Representative to this Staten Island affordable multifamily rental building, led the team to measure the building and do the LL84 Benchmarking every year.
Property Information:
- Market Type: Affordable Multifamily Rental Buildings with two garages in Staten Island.
- # of Buildings: 2
- Year Built: 1966
- Building Area: 131,000 sq ft
- Total Units: 200 residential
Energy Efficiency Action Plan:
Since this building did not have to submit the LL87 Energy Audit & Retro-commissioning Report until 2020, IGP tried to persuade the Owner to take action immediately to save energy, money and reduce carbon emissions.
In 2014 IGP made an Energy Efficiency Site Visit and provided the Owner with the following Memorandum, which provided thirty-four (34) Energy Efficiency Action Plan recommendations.
Please see the attached 2014 Energy Efficiency Action Plan pdf document:
Reduce SI Multifamily CO2 Emissions by 15-30% 2014 redacted

IGP discovered a wasp nest in the non-functioning rooftop exhaust fan. The Super needs to examine the common area equipment more often.

Bi-level LEDs should replace all corridor fluorescent lighting fixtures which are on 24-7. The exterior door needs weather stripping to avoid having cold air penetrate the building envelope in the winter.

The Owner should upgrade the boiler, insulate all cold water, hot water and steam pipes, and convert from No. 6 oil to No. 2 oil. If feasible, convert to dual fuel including natural gas.